‘Chatbot AI nurses’ may solve NHS staff shortage

Published on 3 August 2023 at 08:31


Hippocratic AI, a US-based start-up, says a unique and bespoke algorithm used to monitor and tend to patients can be created by focusing on healthcare-specific data.


Munjal Shah, the company founder, said the new nurses could provide relief to under pressure NHS hospitals by ensuring its wards are “super-staffed” with both human and AI expertise.


“We’re building a large language model for healthcare, not for diagnoses, not for drug discovery, we really want to focus on all the different problems of in-service healthcare delivery,” Mr Shah told The Telegraph.


“We want to avoid diagnosis, the name of the company is Hippocratic AI after the Hippocratic Oath and our tagline is do no harm. We really feel that generative AI has a lot of potential in healthcare, but it should not be used for diagnoses, it’s just far too dangerous.


“In the UK, much like in the US, there is a massive staffing shortage. Why don’t we have enough nurses for all the people with chronic diseases?”


The data is specific to healthcare and runs through the vast processors of cloud computing giant Amazon Web Services which provides the technological heft to churn out the chatbot.




         总部位于美国的初创公司 Hippocratic AI 表示,可以通过关注医疗保健特定数据来创建用于监控和护理患者的独特定制算法。


          该公司创始人 Munjal Shah 表示,新护士可以通过确保病房配备拥有人类和人工智能专业知识的“超级人员”来缓解压力下的 NHS 医院。




          “我们希望避免诊断,公司的名字是 Hippocratic AI,以希波克拉底誓言命名,我们的口号是不伤害。 我们确实认为生成式人工智能在医疗保健领域具有很大的潜力,但它不应该用于诊断,因为它太危险了。


          “在英国,就像在美国一样,存在严重的人员短缺问题。 为什么我们没有足够的护士来照顾所有慢性病患者?”




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