Amazon HealthScribe

Published on 3 August 2023 at 08:28

Amazon Cloud Technologies Launches Amazon HealthScribe


36 Krypton has learned that Amazon Cloud Technologies announced the launch of Amazon HealthScribe at the recent New York Summit.It is described as a new HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant service that helps healthcare software vendors create clinical applications using speech and text recognition and generative AI technology to automatically generate documentation by save physicians time.


2023-08-01 14:39


          36氪获悉,亚马逊云科技在近日举行的纽约峰会上宣布推出Amazon HealthScribe。据介绍,这是一项符合HIPAA(《健康保险流通与责任法案》)要求的新服务,能够帮助医疗软件供应商使用语音与文本识别和生成式AI技术创建临床应用程序,通过自动生成文档来节省医生时间。


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