Shine big in the 5G era

Published on 3 August 2023 at 12:56

Cyberback interview with WUWI: Breaking through the artificial intelligence video track and shining in the 5G era


With the development of the digital economy and the advent of the 5G era, the effective combination of video and AI/VR technology has been realized, and the video industry has gradually formed a new and complex ecosystem, which has a long industrial chain, a wide range of coverage, and strong cross-field comprehensiveness. and other characteristic spans.


CEO Sun Bogeng is in the field of artificial intelligence video AI development, and led the team to create the "artificial intelligence virtual star" project - AI Star (AI film and television-level visual generation system), which strongly integrates video and face-changing technology, and broadens the technology to be compatible with The combination of security, entertainment, and business levels empowers the technological power of AI to the development of the video industry, meeting the needs of application innovation and business development in all aspects of life today.



Gather beliefs and gather teams


When asked about Sun Bo’s entrepreneurial opportunity on the Datacobang platform, he joked: “At first, it was because programmers couldn’t find a girlfriend.” When digging deeper into why he wanted to develop this technology product, he revealed his initial love for Prediction of industry development: "The demand for video in the 5G era is massive, and artificial intelligence video is generated at a very low cost, and it will definitely grow explosively."


Maybe it was inspired by life, or maybe it was the spirit of exploring new outlets, Sun Bo devoted himself to the industry of artificial intelligence video applications.


WUWI/HBC has an excellent team. The technical members have been deeply involved in the field of artificial intelligence for more than ten years. They graduated from Tsinghua University, Beihang University, HEC and other well-known universities at home and abroad; The ability to capture things is strong, and it can provide trendy ideas and ideas at any time.



If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools


In the extremely fast-changing Internet industry, Sun Bo is well aware of the importance of "if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools". He decided to raise the technical barriers of products. According to Sun Bo: "The technological advancement of film and television-level HD is AI The core of Star, after many years of research and development, has overcome the problem that the face cannot be converted when there is an occluder on the face, and solved the problem that the face shape does not change after changing the face.”


"During this period, the breakthrough of each technical level required countless days and nights of hard work by the team. For example, image learning, the face of the star in the video is actually drawn by the computer frame by frame. The requirements are high, and the machine has to 'read' 50 million photos, build a data model, and then practice 2.6 billion times before it can achieve vivid and natural details such as micro-expressions." Sun Bo recalled carefully, and a group of people with a common goal Embracing forward, success is only a matter of time.



Taking dreams as horses, traveling both the sun and the moon


Like most entrepreneurs, Sun Bo is also full of lofty vision and moving forward firmly in the day and night of "taking dreams as horses".


With the goal of becoming "the world's No. 1 face-changing video community", Sun Bo happily said to Shukubang: "At present, the distributed development of the software side has been formed, and the instant face-changing tool APP is also in internal testing; in addition, the hardware side A technical solution for transforming Bitcoin mining machines into GPU computing server clusters has been developed. I hope that in the future we can have AI virtual film and television star IP. Customers, with more accurate and cutting-edge services, to maximize technological benefits."


If the ideal is regarded as a whole, then breaking it down is the accumulation of little efforts, but starting from technology and achieving the ultimate in a subdivided field, isn't it a kind of success?


And Sun Bo happened to be doing just such a thing.


I believe that the continuous innovation of video + AI applications will bring us countless surprises in the future; innovative entrepreneurs like Sun Bo, who are constantly advancing and pioneering, will also present us with more new industries and new applications. Infinitely wonderful!





  CEO孙博耕植于人工智能视频AI开发领域,带领团队创建“人工智能虚拟明星”项目——AI Star(AI影视级视觉生成系统),将视频与换脸技术进行强融合,并将技术拓宽到与安防、娱乐和商业等层面的结合,将AI的科技力量赋能到视频产业发展上,满足时下生活各方面的应用创新需求和业务发展需求。














  在变化极其迅猛的互联网行业中,孙博深知“工欲善其事,必先利其器”的重要性,他决定提高产品技术壁垒,据孙博介绍:“影视级高清的技术先进性是AI Star的核心,经过多年研发,才攻克了面部有遮挡物时,人脸无法转换等难题,解决了换脸后脸型不变的问题。”









  带着成为“全球第一的换脸视频社区”的目标,孙博高兴地对数科邦说:“目前软件端的分布式开发已形成,即时换脸工具APP也内测在即;另外,硬件端已经研发了用比特币矿机改造成GPU计算服务器集群的技术方案。我希望未来我们可以拥有AI虚拟影视明星IP,同时在商业模式上,AI Star也能通过面向影视公司、经纪公司等B端客户,以更加精准且前沿的服务,实现技术收益最大化。”









Published on 27 July 2021 at 12:56

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